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Catch It Again: Exploring Early Years Development for Children with Disabilities

Momentum is now available online

Early Childhood Development (ECD), typically 0-5 years but occasionally up to the age of 8, is period of rapid brain development and a crucial stage of life. ECD is important to develop the skills needed for school. Many children with disabilities often miss out on support during these years, sometimes hidden away from their peers due to stigma and discrimination, which can have long-lasting consequences.

This discussion explores the importance of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and inclusive play for children with disabilities. We look at how those missing out on ECD are affected, and the challenges and successes of including children with disabilities in early years development programming. We hear from a range of experts and practitioners, as well as those delivering disability inclusive ECD projects in our partner countries in East and Southern Africa.

Watch it here.

Our Panel

We are pleased to announce that chairing the event will be Able Child Africa’s Annie Chipeta who will be joined by:

Chris Mtalimanja – Project Manager, Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi (FEDOMA)

Lily Oyare – Founder and Director, Little Rock Kenya

Veronica Stapleton – Global Technical Lead, Education, Sightsavers

Felicien Turatsinze – Disability and Inclusion Advisor, Chance for Childhood

Our Momentum events are free to attend, but you can make a donation to support our work here: ablechildafrica.org/donate/become-a-supporter/


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