Grace was born with a physical disability which meant her limbs didn’t develop. She also didn’t have access to any of the equipment she desperately needed in order for her to live a full life.
While she should have been learning to walk, Grace was left completely dependent and vulnerable. Her parents struggled to look after her, so she went to live with her grandfather. Despite trying many, Grace’s grandfather found it impossible to enrol her in any local school, so she missed out, and ended up staying at home.
It was through the pilot of our ‘Child-to-Child’ Inclusive Education Project in Uganda that Grace was introduced to our partner USDC. Her situation was assessed, and it became clear that Grace was being held back by not having access to a wheelchair, which would give her a vital level of independence. Before long, Grace received her modified wheelchair, which included an attached table, which meant she could practice her reading and writing whenever she wanted.
Grace was finally able to go outside independently and made friends in the neighbourhood who now take her to school, which Grace loves.
Finally, I feel included and have the opportunity to fulfil my potential.
– Grace